Friday, December 2, 2011

November By: Alex

In math we started the new unit decimals and fractions. For decimals in the starting when we were dividing it was really hard, but it got easier as we went on. Now were working with fractions I’m really good at multiplying and dividing. So I think I’m doing pretty well.
In la we did our personal narratives were I wrote about my last day school when I broke my hand. Now where writing about if I could go anywhere in the world I would go to Orlando Florida. When I finished that I started writing about if I could meet anyone dead or alive I would meet Sean Scheemel.
In science we did a skit for commensalism. My group was Noah, jack, I, and Jennifer and I got an A on the project. One thing I learned is abiotic and biotic factors. I think because I love science is why I get a good grade in that subject.
In social studies we learned about Mesopotamia and now where studying India. When in the Mesopotamia unit we did a skit about their culture and I and my group did a good job. We just started learning about India which so far is pretty easy. I love social studies and I’m eager to learn about china.

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