Friday, December 2, 2011

November By: Matt

This November we learned a lot and we would like to tell you what we learned. In social studies we learned about mesopitmea and we did a skit on what they do and how they lived. We also are starting a new unit on India and we have to draw a map of the town and what it looks like it is really fun doing lease units in social studies. In math we are learning about fractions and how you multiply and divide them it is a really hard unit. We also played a game the was called sink the ship where are teacher gave us a problem and we had to answer it and she called like 5 people’s names and they had to raise there boards and if you got it right you got to sink someone or bring someone up and if got it wrong you sunk yourself. It has been really hard in math but really fun. In language arts we are doing are writing prompts of if we could go anywhere, if you could meet anyone in the world dead or alive who would it be, and our favorite school memory. And I am having a good typing it has Improved my typing and I actually want to type now. We have learned about pronouns, adjectives, and idioms those have been really fun to learn about to it has been in languages arts. In science we are learned about the ecosystem and the earth. It was really fun doing all of the stuff in science we had to do a skit and I was a flower it was fun. Well this is we have been doing these month.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Sounds like you have been a busy boy! Keep up the good work and are a smart young man!