Wednesday, January 4, 2012

December By: Drew & Ben

Because of break, the month was here for three weeks and we were home the other one! But this didn’t come close to stopping us from learning a whole lot more.

In Social Studies we wrapped up a unit and started a different unit. After our maps of Mohenjo-Daro, we started learning about religions in ancient India. We did worksheets on Buddhism and Hinduism. We just started our new unit on Ancient China. There isn’t much to say about it, because our first day of it is on 1/3/12!

In science we learned about matter and energy like this for example h2o. The science project on comparing compounds and mixtures, compounds and elements, and molecules and atoms.

In language arts we read a book called phantoms in the snow, and Drew read the son of Neptune, and we both did response logs on our books. Then we discussed our next reading assignments. Also we typed up our very own books about were we would go anywhere in the world I would go, if I could meet anyone dead or alive I would meet, etc.

What I did in math is finding the surface of any figure that’s what Ben remembers he did in math this month, and this is what Drew did : Drew learned how to graph a parabola in two different ways, and how to multiply and add square roots. He completed his geometry and trigonometry slice and has 60 topics left in Algebra 1.

We had a great month and the start of 2012 is going to bring a great January!

1 comment:

Jennifer Labs (Ben's mom) said...

NOt sure if the last comment worked that I posted.
Thanks for sharing what you have been so busy doing in the classroom. Sounds like a lot of fun and challenging work!
Keep up the GREAT JOB both of you!