In math we have finished decimals and fractions and took the test. We have finished complex figures and area of complex figures. Now we are starting P.E.M.D.A.S which is parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, adding, and subtracting. We are also starting algebra.
In spelling we are learning about the importance of an apostrophe. We got 10 more new and old words. Now if we want to try the enrichment spellings test. Last we have still been doing fix-it and add-it.
In reader’s workshop we got to choose our books to do groups and my group was me, Joey, and Colin, and we picked The Always War. It was a book about a war and how everything got burned. It was a good book, but the ending was the best which you will have to read to find out.
In writers workshop it is now 7 prompts and still one prompt per page. I have just finished my 5th one and now we get to choose the last to which I think I am going to choose my favorite holiday and my top 10 favorite things.
In science we have finished matter, mass lesson one and we had to make a project and had to tell the differences of matter, mass and mixture, compound and compound, element. And we are going to start physical and chemical change.
In social studies we have finished our map on mohenjo daro and took our test on it and we did a thing on geography of the world and our team came in 3rd place. And now we are starting China.
1 comment:
Nice update JB!! It's exciting to read about all of the great things you're learning! Keep up the good work!!
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