In the second month of school we learned a lot more.
In math Ben learned about decimals and instead of saying point you say and. In math Drew learned about variables and expressions. It was a tough subject until you figure out that you can do anything to each side of the equation as long as you do it to both sides. He also learned about geometry and probability and percent.
In science Ben did a tropical rain forest to show about different plants and animals and show how much rain falls each year, light, soil, and the temperature. In science we learned mainly about ecology, and a lot about biomes. Drew did a project on the taiga biome, as all of us did a project on a biome. We also learned about the water cycle, carbon cycle, and the nitrogen cycle.
In Reading Workshop we wrote in our response logs. We learned about antagonists, realistic/unrealistic characters, and character flaws. Drew is reading the book FOUND, while Ben is reading the mysterious Benedict Society.
In writing workshop we worked on our personal narratives. Drew is writing about when he went to the principal’s office in preschool, and Ben is writing about Grandma Z. we worked on showing and not telling and dialogue.
In social studies we learned about Mesopotamia and about the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers. We learned about Babylon and Assyria. We learned about how they used irrigation to control the flooding and silt so they could grow good crops.
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